Monday, July 11, 2005

Arrhythmia (Irregular heart beat)

In some cases, Arrhythmia, or irregular heart beat, is caused by too much pericardium liquid. The symptoms of arrhythmia usually occur in the morning. The majority of these symptoms will disappear after 10 or 11’o clock. For a patient to be diagnosed with too much pericardium liquid, the patient’s pericardium liquid level must be substantially higher than normal. Since the symptoms may appear and then disappear from time to time, sometimes the doctors cannot be sure that the patient indeed has a high pericardium liquid level.

Using the current testing system, irregular heartbeat will usually be found on a patient as it is a more obvious symptom. And after a period of closer examination, then the symptom of high pericardium liquid level can be discovered. Therefore in theory, we cannot prove that high pericardium liquid level is the cause of irregular heartbeat. Instead, since at the time that the patient is diagnosed with irregular heartbeat, that patient’s pericardium liquid level is tested normal, we can say that irregular heartbeat is the cause of high pericardium level.

Sometimes because of the lack of accuracy in our tests, we will reach a conclusion that is opposite from the actual cause and effect relationship.

In Chinese medicine, doctors use pulse examination as an important diagnostic tool. Through examining a patient’s pulse, it is easy to find out if the patient suffers from high pericardium liquid level as the patient’s pulse will be weaker than normal people. Often times the symptom of pericardium liquid can be discovered prior to the discovery of irregular heartbeat.

Sometimes human sensory organs are more accurate than machines. For example, we can easily memorize and recognize different people’s appearances. With the current computer technology, the max accuracy of human facial recognition for AI is only 90%.


At 1:24 AM, Blogger Gabrielle said...

Hi Gary,
What is the actual treatment given for Arrhythimia by Chinese Medicine & Homeapathy?
Looking forward to your answer.


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